4 Yard Dumpsters

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4 yard dumpster

Commonly used for:

  • Mid-sized restaurants
  • Small-medium sized retail spaces
  • Wholesalers
  • Companies with up to 125 employees


4 yard dumpsters are the next largest size available for permanent waste pickup services. Its additional volume is provided by a greater height and length, allowing it to hold twice as much trash as a 2 yard container. It can also hold double the amount of garbage with an upper weight limit of 800 lbs. The average length of these dumpsters is 4 feet with a height of 5 feet and a width of 6 feet. Generally, companies with up to 100 employees can use a single 4 yard dumpster. Other common users include mid-sized restaurants, wholesale spaces, and retailers with less than 5,000 square feet of space.


Dumpsters available in 4 yard sizes are generally suitable for restaurants that see a moderate amount of traffic. The dumpster is large enough to accommodate the weekly waste stream of the average restaurant including food waste and discarded paper products. Companies with up to 125 employees are also well served with a 4 yard dumpster. However, the frequency of pickups will vary between entities such as restaurants and those of commercial properties such as warehouses or offices containing up to 100 employees. Restaurants generally produce a larger volume of waste than other consumer-oriented industries, necessitating at least a weekly pickup for a dumpster of this size.

4 yard dumpsters are also a good choice for retailers that see a modest amount of business. Medium-sized grocery or specialty stores will see the most benefit from this dumpster size as it sits between the small and largest dumpster sizes offered for permanent container services. It affords its users enough storage capacity to handle regular waste volumes, while retaining extra space for when business picks up or a new shipment is received, generating large volumes of packaging waste and discarded inventory.

Warehouses and wholesalers may opt for a biweekly pickup schedule due to a lower volume, but higher density, waste stream. These commercial establishments tend to produce bulkier materials such as wood pallets and large cardboard pieces. However, these materials do not accumulate rapidly, allowing some businesses to make due with a lower-cost biweekly pickup service.*


4 yard dumpsters are generally easy to place on site without having to make any special arrangements. Common users of this dumpster size such as retailers and restaurants will generally opt to keep the bin behind the building so that it is out of sight. Restaurants will generally put the dumpster in an enclosed space to ward off animals and unpleasant odors.

Warehouse owners and other companies that own large commercial spaces generally keep their dumpsters behind a gated area called a corral that prevents people from scavenging discarded products and materials from the bin. In some cases, they may also utilize locks to secure the dumpster’s lid to further prevent tampering with the bin.

*Note: Not all waste management companies will offer biweekly pickup services.