Should I Rent A 10 Yard Or 20 Yard Roll Off Dumpster?

A majority of waste removers find themselves between two different sizes of dumpsters. Even more commonly, it is a between the 10-yard to 20-yard roll off dumpster rental. Allow the experts at to provide you with some tips to discover which dumpster will be the appropriate rental for your specific waste removal project. Having the right size roll off dumpster rental is essential to accomplishing your job in a timely manner and to keep your price affordable.

The first thing you need to uncover is the length of the rental associated with the dumpster. Usually companies supply a standard rental period with every dumpster. However it is important to notice any differences between the various sizes. Also if you need more than the standard rental length, be certain to be clear about the charges for any additional days.

So let's dive into the areas where the 10-yard is different from the 20-yard, the most obvious is the dimensions of the roll off dumpster rentals.

The 10-yard roll off dumpster rentals may have slightly different dimensions but will all provide 10 cubic yards of capacity. It is usually 10 feet long, 3.5 feet high and 8 feet wide. The 20-yard will be over 22 feet long, 4 feet tall but has the same width at 8 feet.

When it comes to weight limits, they both can handle 2000 pounds of construction debris. However the 20-yard can hold 2000 more pounds of normal waste. Now that you have a better idea of the amount of trash a 10-yard and 20-yard dumpster can hold, you must then estimate how much garbage that you will need to properly dispose.

A major contributing factor that leads to the renting of the wrong dumpster is not accounting for the correct amount of trash. Many waste removers do not realize how much waste will be inevitably be created throughout a project. Unless you are disposing construction debris such as concrete, it is generally more affordable to rent a higher capacity dumpster rather than overfilling the rental. Overfilling or overloading a dumpster will result in expensive overage fees.

A 10-yard roll off dumpster rental can contain the equivalent to almost 3 full loads in a pick up truck. Another good visualization is 100 normal size trash bags can also roughly fit inside this rental. Projects that create similar to this amount of waste are cleaning out a garage or renovations to a single room.

10-yard dumpster

A 20-yard roll off dumpster rental will allow you get rid of around 200 trash bags but there is something to remember. Just because it has twice the amount of capacity does not mean it can hold double the amount of weight. The 20-yard dumpster only has room 2000 more pounds of garbage than the 10-yard. If you are completing a project like a home remodel, this will be the perfect container for the job.

20-yard dumpster 

After the major step of determining your total amount of waste is over, you must then decide which dumpster is best for your location. The 10-yard dumpster can virtually fit anywhere and some waste removers even decide to have two 10-yards rather than a single 20-yard. This is either at the exact same time or through Empty and Return.

Eventhough your location may be relatively small, it is likely you will still be able to comfortably house the 20-yard dumpster. Delivery is not excluded to the driveway and some people prefer the dumpster placed on their lawn. Provided the appropriate permit is obtained, a dumpster can even be dropped off on the street.

Now that the factors that are in your control have been covered, let's jump into some things that are not in your control such as the price. Every dumpster rental service has different pricing policies, but usually they are either flat-rate or not flat rate. It is important to consider this, especially if you are comparing dumpster rentals from different companies.

Whether or not it is flat rate, it almost a guaranteed that a 10-yard will be cheaper than a 20-yard dumpster. However in some areas, 10-yard dumpsters are a hot commodity. If you are not limited on property space, this should make your decision rather easy but usually the 10-yard is about $100 cheaper than the 20-yard.

Most novice waste removers, react to the lower price and rent the 10-yard dumpster. That is the good move, if you have less that 10-cubic yards of debris. If you end up going over the weight limit, it is likely you will be spending more than $100 in overage fees.

The 20-yard roll off dumpster rental gives you the much needed wiggle room for your waste removal project with unlimited variables. Some consumers may believe that they are being up-sold, but most dumpster rental services are looking out for customers best interest. Renting a higher capacity dumpster will at the very least, give you the freedom to not worry about going over the weight limit.

So let's do a little recap on how to decide whether you need a 10-yard or 20-yard dumpster!

1. Determine the total capacity and weight of the trash you plan to dispose.

2. Account for the trash that will be produced throughout the project.

3. Decide which dumpster is best for your specific location.

4. Compare prices and evaluate the risk of going over the weight limit.

I hope you are all now armed with the tools to make the best decision to complete your waste removal project. Maybe after reading this you realized you need a different dumpster all together. If that is the case, visit our dumpster sizes page which will help you find your perfect waste removal solution. The answer to your trash problem is definitely a dumpster but which one?

Please consider, if you ever do rent the wrong dumpster DO NOT over load it. This is not only illegal but also very unsafe. Most rental services offer an empty and return service, which picks up your full dumpster and drops off a fresh one! If you have any other specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact!  

Tags: 10-yard, 20-yard, roll off dumpster, roll off dumpster rental, roll off container,