Questions To Ask Prior To Renting A Dumpster!

What is the weight allowance of my dumpster?

Every roll off dumpster rental has a specific weight limit that will result in overage charges, if it is exceeded. These limits can vary from company to company and it is important to understand your weight limit prior to purchasing the dumpster rental. If you do not know how much your materials weigh, then you will need to rent a higher capacity dumpster, just to be safe.

Is it a flat rate price?

The best dumpster rental services offer flat rate pricing. This is a one time fee that will cover delivery, pick up, various taxes and the price to dispose your materials. Some less reputable companies may add extra fees, such as a fuel surcharge on top of the price, so be wary of any additional fees. The flat rate price is the only payment needed, if you do not overload the roll off dumpster and return it on time. Find a dumpster rental service with a flat rate price!

When exactly will the dumpster be dropped off?

It is a relatively standard practice in the waste removal industry to only provide a delivery day for customers. If you need a dumpster at a specific time, the best way to ensure its there when you need it is to get the container delivered the day before. Generally the schedule is determined on a daily basis, which is less than ideal for customers. Just remember to be patient and find out the company's delivery policy prior to renting a dumpster.

What will happen if I exceed the rental period?

The average rental period is about 10 days, which means some waste removal services offer less and some have more days. It is important to find out your rental period, especially if you have an extensive waste removal project. If you need the roll off dumpster for more than the agreed upon rental period, it should be about $10 per day.

Ask Questions

Will I need to be onsite for Delivery or pick up?

Usually, rental services do not require customers to be present during the delivery or the pick up of your dumpster. Some companies may have a charge in upwards of a $100, if you are not there during delivery. If you are interested in avoiding hassles and saving money, pick a dumpster rental provider that will deliver and pick up the container without you needing to be there.

Are there any non hazardous prohibited materials?

Every company has their own set of materials, that if put in the dumpster will result in additional fees. It is essential to compare the company's prohibited materials with the things you want to dispose. Everyday people attempt to slip prohibited items in the dumpster and 9/10 of them get caught. It will not only be bad for your wallet, but also bad on the environment to put a restricted material in a dumpster.

Do I need to schedule dumpster pick up?

Some dumpster rental services require the customers to schedule the pick up. This is not to implement additional fees, but rather to give customers an opportunity to remove all of their unwanted materials. Remember if you have to schedule a pick up, give the company as much notice as possible.

Does the company offer Empty and Return?

Every project has more waste than you expect. Using a company with an Empty and Return service is highly recommended. It will allow you to save money and add an additional level of confidence. Take advantage of an Empty and Return service to keep your project going, while avoiding expensive overage charges.

Will I automatically be charged if I exceed the weight limit?

This is a necessary question, especially if you plan on flirting with overage charges. In most cases if the overage fee is under a specific amount, the fee will automatically be charged to the card used to secure the dumpster. Many people are not comfortable with this aspect, so be sure to ask this question!

Does the dumpster have a door?

Most roll off dumpster rentals have a door to easily walk or roll in your unwanted materials. This makes removing waste very easy. If your dumpster arrives with out a door, then it is too late. Remember to ask this quick question.

Tags: dumpster rentals faq, dumpster rental questions, questions to ask when renting a dumpster,