How to Get a Fair Dumpster Rental Quote

If you have ordered anything online, you may find out later that extra charges have been added onto your bill without your knowing. When renting a dumpster you must be sure the price you are getting includes all extra charges and fees. There are companies out there that will quote you for one price and when you receive your bill, you will notice you have been charged for a delivery fee, a disposal fee, a transportation fee and much more.

Before you place your order for a dumpster rental, it is important to ask the company what all is included in their price. You should always look for companies that advertise an all-inclusive rental price. This means that will not charge you for disposal, delivery, transportation or any other type of mystery taxes. Unfortunately, most companies cannot include overweight fees into their all-inclusive charges, so if your dumpster goes over the allowed weight limit, you will most likely be charged a fee.

Another important factor to keep in mind when renting a dumpster for temporary service is the size of the container. Depending upon the size you rent, there will be a different price for rental. The larger sized containers will obviously cost more than the smaller containers. Normally, the weight limit of the dumpster is dependent upon the size of the container but other dumpsters are specifically made for heavy debris materials.

Hidden Fees

Whenever you rent a roll-off dumpster from a waste removal company, you are usually given a certain time frame for your rental period. Normally if you do not return the container or ask for the container to be picked-up before your rental period ends, there will be a charge. Many companies will automatically come out to your property and collect the dumpster when the time frame is up no matter what but others rely on the customer to call in and schedule for their dumpster to be picked up.

You should always ask the sales member you are speaking with how to schedule for your dumpster to be picked up and what fees are included in that pickup. The sales staff should let you know about their policy and offer their best advice for your dumpster rental. If the agent is not clear about the company’s policy regarding waste removal, I suggest you find another dumpster rental company. All staff members should be able to explain all aspects of their service to you.

Last but not least, make sure to shop around when renting a dumpster. It isn’t exactly cheap to rent a dumpster depending upon what size you need and how much you have to throw in it. Take your time researching each prospective company before you take the leap of faith. Remember to ask them plenty of questions regarding their pricing policies and how they will charge for extra fees. Feel free to contact us to ask us about anything dumpster related. 

Tags: Dumpster rental, Pricing, Hidden Fees, Extra Charges, Quotes,