How To Get A Dumpster For Free! is one of the best resources in the waste removal industry. Our goal is simple, deliver unbiased, insightful information to those needing to take care of their trash. We want to facilitate as many successful waste removal projects as we possibly can. Some times that will take more effort from, than simply educating those interested in renting a dumpster.

We have established a rich history of donating dumpsters to organizations and individuals in need of proper waste removal services. From the smallest of city clean up projects, all the way up to major events, can help provide the perfect trash solutions to accomplish the job. And the best part is that these lucky groups are able to utilize the dumpsters FOR FREE!

Now we would love to supply everyone with garbage a dumpster, but that is just not going to happen (at this point). However if your cause is worthy of dumpster donation, then it is very likely that we will work with you! is always looking for mutually beneficial opportunities, so lets find a way to help each other!


Step #1: Click on this link or the contact tab on the top right of this page!

Step #2: Add your name and email address.

Step #3: In the message portion of the online form, provide us with some information of why you want a dumpster donated. Please feel free to be detailed and add any useful links that could help give us a better understanding of your project and/or organization.

Step #4: Wait and will be in contact with you shortly!

Getting yourself a free dumpster can be that easy. Besides the joy we receive by helping others properly remove waste, is able to benefit from donating you a dumpster. If your business or organization has a website and/or blog, linking to can be extremely beneficial.

Every dumpster donation is unique and your cause could have some aspects that will set you apart from the rest. Take this opportunity gain some leverage and put yourself into the best position to have a dumpster donated. We have no problem bragging about and would love to hear what makes you great!

A dumpster is something that every single person deserves. Take the time to contact and a dumpster could be headed to your desired location, completely free of charge. We are looking forward to hearing from you!


Tags: free dumpster, donated dumpster, dumpster donation, free dumpster rental, free dumpster donation,